Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics


Prepared by: Dr. Mohd Hairil Mohd

In the era of globalisation, collaboration between higher educations of different countries is one of the important features to improve the relationship between countries as well as to ensure the higher education of own country do not left behind from the pace of the global.  The ASEAN International Mobility for Students (AIMS) Programme is a regional collaborative programme providing multilateral platform to promote and enhance student mobility. The governments of the member countries provide scholarships to students from selected home universities to study at a host country. The Programme contributes to the development of qualified globalised human resources, as well as promotes regional collaboration and integration, particularly to becoming ASEAN Community.

A group of students from Bachelor of Applied Science in Maritime Technology from Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, have participated in the AIMS programme to Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia.

On the day of 10th August 2017, six of the third year students from School of Ocean Engineering, UMT took a flight to Bandung with companion of Dr. Mohd Hairil Mohd, (AIMS Coordinator for School of Ocean Engineering, UMT)

List of student are as follow

  1. Kong Wai Sheng
  2. Lim Su Yin
  3. Chan Fan Eng
  4. Tan Sheng An
  5. Muhammad Syihabuddin Putra bin Baharudin
  6. Nur Eliza Marlina binti Hanapi

The first destination in Bandung is to ITB International Relation Office (IRO). In here, they are warmly welcome and given more information on ITB by the head of department IRO, Ayie Rohayatie. Then, the student finished up some registration procedures of the programme.

ITB International Relation Office.
ITB Dormitory of International Students

After that, the student were brought to dormitory for the registration and selection of dormitory room. In here, Mr Jun and Mr Yanto who are the person-in-charge of the dormitory unit give some explanation and rules of the dormitory.

As the 2nd day activity is concerned, this is free activity day for them. The students were visited some of the interesting places around Bandung such as Kawah Putih, Tangkuban Perahu and famous sky bridge, Skywalk Chihampelas.

A visit to Kawah Putih

On the 12th August, the student went to IRO ITB again to attend the orientation programme. In here, UMT student were exposed and met many international students from all over the world including Japan, Holland, Korea, Denmark, Europe, Laos and etc.

They were brought to Museum Pos Indonesia, Gedung Sate and Udjo. It was basically a day trip around Bandung also. A few traditional performances were shown in Udjo to introduce the colourful Indonesia culture.

The first day of Orientation
International students from all over the world
Another group photo in Udjo.

The orientation held on 12th, 15th and 16th of the August which introduce student about ITB, Bandung and provide some information regarding the studies. The semester will start on 21st August 2017 and will end in late December 2017. Students from Maritime Technology will study courses related to Ocean Engineering and Environmental Engineering.

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